The hand, as the human executing organ, is in the center of daily life activities in professions and sports. Therefore, it is understandable why the hand is prone to variety of injuries.
In a retrospective population-based study of all acute traumatic tendon injuries of the hand and wrist in the United States (Moran et al., 2014)*, it was shown during a 10-years study period, that these injuries have an incidence rate of 33.2 injuries per 100,000 people, annually.
In these cases, the average hand tendon ruptures per injury is estimated to be 1.5 per injury. Using the above incidence rate for all addressable developed World countries, will sum up to a population of about 1.4B, with overall incidence of 467,000 cases which represent ~700,000 hand-tendon ruptures, annually.
DTG Market price of $600 per device will establish a Total Market Potential for Hand Tendons Ruptures of $420M. The additional potential market for other tendon ruptures (Achilles, Biceps, Quadriceps & Patella) is estimated at $178M. Entering into the field of Arthroscopic surgery will offer the Company the opportunity to participate in a market valued at $8.4B in 2018.